Know where you are going.

Know where you are going.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” The image for today’s blog has a quote that I have often, in my life, ignored. And I spent a lot of time ending up a long way from that goal inside my heart. If you know...


Introducing the Start September Strong challenge. Are you just starting Year 10, or maybe you want to make the most of Year 11? Are you are rested after the summer and ready to make the most of the next few weeks? Great! But how do you do this? Has anyone ever given...
Me in Class?

Me in Class?

On my Facebook feed the other day a friend shared a post called “Me in Class” You may have seen it? Things like – “Wait, what happened?” “What do we do?” “How do you do this?” How often have you felt like this?...
Tales from the Physics Lab #1

Tales from the Physics Lab #1

What does a bottle have to do with electricity? Let me tell you.It was the French who first caught a lighting bolt in a wine bottle. You may ask, “why catch lightning in a wine bottle?”Inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s ideas on catching lightning with...
Fruity planets?

Fruity planets?

OK. So being a Physicist isn’t all about forces and radio waves.Some Physicists like to have a bit of fun with their understanding of how the universe works.So. Probably not a question you’ve thought about before: what would happen if planet Earth were replaced...
Between exam papers

Between exam papers

“My friends seem really confident with how they did on paper 1.””I just don’t know how well I did on that exam paper.””I’m going to have to do really well on the next paper to make up for it…” From one exam to the...

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