by Jennifer | Jul 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
On my Facebook feed the other day a friend shared a post called “Me in Class” You may have seen it? Things like – “Wait, what happened?” “What do we do?” “How do you do this?” How often have you felt like this?...
by Jennifer | Jul 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
What does a bottle have to do with electricity? Let me tell you.It was the French who first caught a lighting bolt in a wine bottle. You may ask, “why catch lightning in a wine bottle?”Inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s ideas on catching lightning with...
by Jennifer | Jul 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
OK. So being a Physicist isn’t all about forces and radio waves.Some Physicists like to have a bit of fun with their understanding of how the universe works.So. Probably not a question you’ve thought about before: what would happen if planet Earth were replaced...