Introducing the Start September Strong challenge.

Are you just starting Year 10, or maybe you want to make the most of Year 11?

Are you are rested after the summer and ready to make the most of the next few weeks?


But how do you do this? Has anyone ever given you any help on how to make the most of your time in school? Do you know how to set yourself off on the best path possible? Do you even know why you want to?

If you join the September challenge, I will give you one task to do each week that you can try out and see if it helps you to make a great start to the year in Science.

You can choose to use it on just your Physics classes or, if you are doing the combined science option, try it on all of your science classes. Maybe try it  on any of your GCSE Subjects?


Here is a brief list of the challenges:

Week 1: What are your goals?

Week 2: Know your subject!

Week 3: Know what you know!

Week 4: Accountability buddies.

Don’t forget to add any progress you make to the comments!

And you also can discuss the challenge here!

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